Friday, August 24, 2007

Class C Felonies

I know the gun laws in this country aren't exactly the strictest in the world, and there has been a lot of anger and criticism in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting, but recently I found myself on the wrong end of the law concerning guns. It makes me want to join the NRA (just kidding).

Apparently aliens are not allowed to touch a firearm, even under supervision at a range with a borrowed shotgun and a US citizen accompanier. I found this out after having completed the shooting section of my hunters education, and apparently I committed a Class C felony. Not knowing what this was, I looked up the Washington State Bar association and, lo and behold, it involves 1-10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Hmm. Seems a little extreme to me.

So, the bottom line is I have to get an Alien license, which no one ever told me at the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and I am hoping to hunt in a week. I decided to send off my application for my Hunters Edcutiona Certificate anyway and hope to get a license and put on my best American drawl to avoid detection as an alien at our hunting site, out in the middle of no-where, population 0. I think my chances are good.

Except for one fatal flaw: I had to send in notarized affidavits of my shooting proficiency to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. They therefore have proof that I committed a Class C felony. I could of course lie and say I made the affidavit up, but then I would be guilty of committing perjury, which carries a nice punishment with it too. Well, wish me luck in my hunting endeavours and visit me in the federal penitentiary if it all goes tits up.

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